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4. Azure cost management & Service Level Agreement 본문


4. Azure cost management & Service Level Agreement

전국민실업화 2021. 11. 25. 19:33

* 해당 컨텐츠는 Adam Marczak 님의 Azure Fundamentals 강의를 듣고 작성되었습니다. 수강하는데 시강은 오래 걸릴지라도 그림과 실습으로 잘 정리되어 있으니 직접 수강하시길 권합니다.



Adam Marczak - Azure for Everyone



1. Cost Affecting Factors

1) Resource Types

2) Services: Web, Enterprise, CSP(Cloud Solution Provider) -> affect cost & billing cycle

3) Location

4) Bandwidth / Traffic: Egress not free


2. Cost Reduction Methods, Pricing & TCO calculator

1) Reservation

- for 1 or 3 years

- types


1. Reserved Instances: VM

2. Reserved Capacity: Storage, SQL DB, ...

3. Reserved Plan: Red hat, SUSE Linux, ...

2) Spot VM

- Unused capacity -> discount

- can set max price

3) Hybrid use Benefit

- use existing license (Windows, Red Hat, SUSE Linux, SQL server)

4) Cost Reduction Methods

- Azure Pricing Calculator

- TCO(Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator


3. Azure Cost Management

- cost, alert, recommendation, automated exports


4. SLA in Azure

1) Service Level Agreement

- formal agreement btw. servie provider & customer

- promise of availability

- 99% ~ 99.999%

- Free services don't have a SLA

- Broken SLA -> credit return (discount)

2) Composite SLA

- combined SLA of all components in your apps

Lower your SLA Raise your SLA
Adding more services Adding redundancy
Free/preview services Service configuration (Availability zones)
Different services/tiers (Higher tier -> better SLA)

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